Urban mermaid
18 January 2024
Not many people outwith Scotland associate Edinburgh with a coastline, let alone a coastline with major port and a series of smaller harbours. Newhaven harbour originally grew on the back of a significant oyster trade in the 15th and 16th centuries, alongside the development of a Scottish naval dockyard under the auspices of James IV of Scotland. These activities were overtaken during the 1800s and early 1900s when herring became the principle species of fish landed here (although whaling products were also brough ashore at that time).
These days the fish trade is a fraction of what it used to be, and the harbour is primarily home to leisure craft, a multitude of seagulls, and the occasional mermaid...
This image is now part of the After The Fireworks gallery on the An Ordinary Place website (AnOrdinaryPlace.com) and has made its way onto my Shutter Hub portfolio page here:
BZG-25032 Newhaven Mermaid